About our Сompany

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

   GULSHAN – the new generation greenhouse company for high technology cultivation of cut roses by method of low-volume hydroponics and drip irrigation. It launched in 2014, and currently is the unique, competitive rose production in the Central Asia. More than 50 rose varieties from leading Dutch breeders with wide color range produced in compliance with methods of cultivation, cutting and pre-sale preparation for subsequent dry transportation to final destination. Unicity of our rose quality guaranteed by the seventh light zone as well as magic rays of our East sun and by kind hands of our industrious team.

   Our undisputable advantage is also the geographic location and easy logistics facilitating fast delivery of roses to any region of Russia and other CIS countries. Such logistical system ensures freshness of our flower product, whereas flexible price policy adds attraction to cooperation with our company.

    We are open to mutually beneficial cooperation, and will be very glad to meet You and discuss opportunities of our joint long-term cooperation.


With sincere respect and kind wishes,